Hayley Lynn Lifestyle

Baby Z is Brewing – First Trimester Experience

We are pregnant!

I can’t believe that I am typing those words and telling you all. It has been so hard to keep a secret because I have had so many questions about everything that I wanted to ask you all about! Baby Z is expected to arrive September, 3rd 2019. So, who knows; it may be August which is crazier to think about.

I was right about or before 5 weeks pregnant when I found out (which is kind of early) so keeping this to ourselves for 8 weeks was not easy. And, I know it was not easy for my mom or Chad’s mom either haha.

Of course, our immediate family and close friends knew the secret before we told everyone. It was actually a bust every time we tried to tell a group (either my family, Chad’s family or friends) that we were pregnant. We got Miles, our border collie, a cute bandanna that said “Big Brother” and put it on him for both my family and his family (on separate occasions) when we were having them over for dinner. BOTH TIMES no one noticed the bandanna or said anything…BOTH TIMES! We had to end up pointing out the bandanna for them to read and even then one side of the family didn’t get it…bless their hearts…I still love ’em. I guess that is what you get when you try to be creative/cute about it haha. It makes it for a great story at least!

So, when we went to tell all of you I asked about 5 people that already knew of the pregnancy if this letterboard would in any way be confusing for people because I didn’t want to go through the same experience as we had the last times we told people we were expecting. And, thank goodness, nothing get past all of you! You all got it right away and I was so happy – you have no idea lol.

Chad and I were so overwhelmed with all of your good wishes, likes, comments, texts etc. that I didn’t even know how to communicate how much it meant to us. Once I posted our announcement it was hard to keep up with all of your comments! So, from the deepest part of our hearts, thank you.

My first trimester has overall been, if I can sum it up in one work, ok. Not trying to sound “down” about it or anything but, like most women, it has its highs and lows.

At first, right when I found out, I felt sick. It may have been something to do with my 3 nieces on Christmas Eve coughing and having runny noses and probably a combination of both the pregnancy and actually being sick. But, any who, I felt nauseous; but, not a normal nauseous. The nausea is what prompted me to take the at home pregnancy test (or 4 them).

Soon after that, after I got over my cold, food aversion set in. I was NEVER hungry, nothing sounded good and when I did eat I wanted to eat salads and or pickles (more specifically Claussen pickles- aka the only right pickle). Chad basically guilted me into eating at every meal because it was “for the baby”- thank you for doing that Chad, I love you for it. I was also extremely tired all of the time (and still am going into my second trimester). My workouts took a lot out of me and had to take a nap pretty much everyday. But, other than that everything was going great. Both me and the baby were healthy!

Health and gestational age of the baby was confirmed on our 12 week appointment were we actually got to see Baby Z for the first time as well. Baby Z was not camera shy at all. Out little one was moving his/her harms like crazy and even put one arm by his/her mouth. Heartbeat was also strong and size was healthy and normal. I was totally shocked and speechless when our doctor showed us our baby for the first time. Needless to say, we had plenty of happy tears.

Around this same time, between 12 & 14 weeks, I noticed my pants feeling a little tighter (but still doable) and my bras not being as comfortable as I remember them being. I thought to myself, um…your 12 weeks pregnant and this is too early for this to start happening. Honestly I felt like Regina George at the lunch table saying “sweatpants are all that fit me right now”. I recently talked about this in a recent Instagram post. I didn’t know that this can start happening at this stage and that most women do! I thought I was gaining too much weight or that new bras totally come later down the road. I talked to my sister and one of my closest friends who are both moms and they both quickly calmed my fears stating they were nothing these changes the exact time I was. During this stage your stomach mainly looks bloated/gained a few pounds. Its not the most pleasant experience not being able to comfortably wear jeans anymore when you haven’t changed your eating or workout habits is a hard pill to swallow.

This is not a stage that I hear a lot of pregnant women or moms talk about so I feel like its important to get this word out there: It’s ok to have to wear maternity pants at 12 weeks or even 10 or before! Every pregnancy is different and every women is different. If there is one time in your life that you don’t compare yourself to other women, it’s when you are pregnant.

That is exactly was I was doing and its a dark and deep hole my friend.

So, do yourself a favor, new mom. Let that stomach out, wear those sweatpants and accept wherever you are at as where you should be.

Thank you again for all of the support so far and following along! We are so blessed to be growing our family.

Big thank you to Ashley Wierenga for snapping our pregnancy announcement photos quickly before a shoot I was doing with her!

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  • Terrie
    March 28, 2019 at 2:05 PM

    So unbelievably excited for the newest addition to the family, our little baby Z!!!!!!!